Literatur Literature ARTICLE

Title Literatur Literature
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1898
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Björneborgs tidning 28.9.1898 says: "The famous english writer Grace Aguilar gives us a splendid painting of habits from a deeply upset time with it\'s strongly ? characters. The brave liberator, King Robert, stays in a clear light with his faults as well with his merits, and the writer doesn\'t get blinded by the empty and bloody honour of war, to see in the national hero something else or more than a human, but at the same time the book gives right to his love for fatherland and braveness. In the side of many well described historical persons there are some fine female portraits, like ? Isabella af Buchan, the proud and self-important Isoline and the nobel, pure hearted Agnes - portraits that witness for the writer\'s huge knowledge about people and sharp psychological eye for female characters. Aguilar\'s \'Robert Bruce\' is with a few words with it\'s pure, high spirit, it\'s finely drawn characters and it\'s exhausting scenes an interesting and educating reading for old and young and very suitable for reading aloud among families." JWmar16']
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Robert Bruce. En berättelse ur skottska historien Unknown translator (to be identified)