"Staden bakom Guds rygg" "The city behind the back of God ARTICLE Finland

Title "Staden bakom Guds rygg" "The city behind the back of God
Is same as work "Staden bakom Guds rygg"
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1931
Notes ['A notification mentions a work by Birgit Th. Sparre that concerns Bashkirtseff. Published in Kotka nyheter 25.8.1931, no 63, Östra nyland 26.8.1931, no 67, Pedersöre-Jakobstads tidning 25.8.1931, no 95, Björneborgs tidning 25.8.1931, no 67, Borgåbladet 25.8.1931, no 94, Vasabladet 23.8.1931, no 192. JWmar22']

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In this reception
None Bashkirtseff, Marie
Via received works

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