Two Women WORK England
Title | Two Women |
Is same as work | Two Women |
Part of work | |
Author | Woolf, Virginia |
Reference | |
Place | England |
Date | 1927 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['In her review "Two Women", Virginia Woolf quoted Florence Nightingale as \'Cassandra\' in her Suggestions for Thought to the Search After Truth (1860): "Half occupied, always interrupted, with much leisure but little time to themselves and no money of their own, these armies of listless women were either driven to find solace and occupation in religion, or, if that failed, they took, as Miss Nightingale said, \'to that perpetual daydreaming which is so dangerous\'." (pp. 84, 36).\r\nSNJune12'] |
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