The child of nature. A dramatic piece in four acts WORK

Title The child of nature. A dramatic piece in four acts
Is same as work The child of nature. A dramatic piece in four acts
Part of work
Author Inchbald, Elizabeth
Date 1788
Notes ["adaptation uniquement de Zélie ou l'Ingenue.\r\nCf P. Clancy, Madame de Genlis, Elizabeth Inchbald and The Child of nature, in Australian journal of French studies, XXX, 1993, p. 324-40.\r\n\r\nEd. Dublin, Byrne etc.1789 (Chawton)\r\nAdvertisement.\r\nZélie, the French piece, from which the Child of Nature has been taken, was, with great taste, selected from the dramatic works of [Genlis] by a Lady, who presented the Manager of Covent Garden Theatre with a _literal translation_ - but however correct or elegant, a _mere translation_ must have precluded all aspect of success _ the Manager therefore sent the play of _Zelie_ to the present translator, who with much care and attention, prepared it for the English stage - That care has been amply recompensed by the reception the piece has met, and especially in those parts of it which she has taken the liberty to add from her own invention.\r\nsvdjun10"]
In this reception

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Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de