Elisabeth, oder eine deutsche Jane Eyre Elisabeth, or a German Jane Eyre WORK

Title Elisabeth, oder eine deutsche Jane Eyre Elisabeth, or a German Jane Eyre
Is same as work Elisabeth, oder eine deutsche Jane Eyre
Part of work
Author Bölte, Amely
Date 1873
Notes ['Via Norbert Bachleitner, "Die deutsche rezeption englischer Romanautorinnen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, insbesondere Charlotte Brontës." In: The novel in Anglo-German Context. Cultural Cross-Currents and Affinities. ed. Susanne Stark. Amsterdam / Atlanta GA, 2000. p. 173-194.\n\nGoverness novel. Contribution Elisa Mueller-Adams, Chawton 2008. \n\nBuck: She modelled herself on Ch. B., writing in the genre of the governess\'s novel\', and describing English high society to a German public.']
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Via received works
Jane Eyre. An autobiography Brontë, Charlotte