Anglež o Gabrielu d'Annunzio An Englishman about Gabrielle d’Annunzio ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Anglež o Gabrielu d'Annunzio An Englishman about Gabrielle d’Annunzio
Is same as work Anglež o Gabrielu d'Annunzio
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Slovenia
Date 1902
Notes ['In1902, the newspaper Dom in svet informs about Ouida’s Critical studies, in which she described the situation in Italy focusing also on the Italian poet Gabrielle d’Annunzio. It must be observed that the author of the article considered Ouida to be a male author.\r\nTBMar13\r\n\r\nFrom SAZU\r\ntbmay14']

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