[CHECK RECEPTION TYPE] *Mention in Femmes Célèbres of Montferrand WORK France

Title [CHECK RECEPTION TYPE] *Mention in Femmes Célèbres of Montferrand
Is same as work [CHECK RECEPTION TYPE] *Mention in Femmes Célèbres of Montferrand
Author Antoinette Dupin
Place France
Date 1843
Notes ['When enumerating the authors she liked to read in her youth, Antoinette Dupin mentions Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Virgil, Lamartine, and Hugo. She then continues "et la grâce soupirante, élevée et délicate d\'un sonnet ou d\'une élégie de Sainte-Beuve, d\'un chant de Mme Tastu, d\'une idylle de Briseux".\nFurther mentions Mme Valmore, Mme Waldor.\n\nJdG july12\n\n5thTrainingSchoolfeb13 JdG\n\nJudgment/evaluation :\n-\tPositive about work (Dupin liked to read her work when she was young. "la grâce soupirante, élevée et délicate [...] d\'un chant de Mme Tastu")\n\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\n-\tMélanie Waldor (also childhood favorite)\n-\tMarceline Desbordes-Valmore (also childhood favorite)\n\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors :\n-\tCorneille (also childhood favorite)\n-\tRacine (also childhood favorite)\n-\tVoltaire (also childhood favorite)\n-\tVirgil (also childhood favorite)\n-\tAlphonse de Lamartine (also childhood favorite)\n-\tVictor Hugo (also childhood favorite)\n-\tSainte-Beuve (also childhood favorite)']

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is biography of Amable Tastu
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