*Mention in "Iets over Engelsche sensatie-romans" (in Nederland) About English sensation novels ARTICLE Netherlands

Title *Mention in "Iets over Engelsche sensatie-romans" (in Nederland) About English sensation novels
Is same as work *Mention in "Iets over Engelsche sensatie-romans" (in Nederland)
Part of work
Author Radcliffe, Ann , Scudéry, Madeleine de , Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Netherlands
Date 1891
Notes ["p. 247 \n[....] De lezer genoot van ideaal gedroomde of gedrochtelijke voorstellingen al naarmate van zijn persoonlijke aanleg. Men denke aan de bijna ademloze belangstelling waarmede Mrs. Shelley's Frankenstein gelezen werd aan het begin van deze eeuw. [...]\n(We can take as an example the huge interest which readers had for Mrs. S. 's _Frankenstein_ at the beginning of this century)\n\nNOTE: Frankenstein was translated into Dutch only 1968. cf Wikipedia Dutch\n[meant: the 1818 edition ??? svd]"]

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In this reception
references person Scudéry, Madeleine de
references person Radcliffe, Ann
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