A Voice from Greece, contained in An Address from Society of Greek Ladies to the Philhellens of their own sex in the rest of Europe WORK
Title | A Voice from Greece, contained in An Address from Society of Greek Ladies to the Philhellens of their own sex in the rest of Europe |
Is same as work | A Voice from Greece, contained in An Address from Society of Greek Ladies to the Philhellens of their own sex in the rest of Europe |
Part of work | |
Author | ~~translator male (name below) |
Reference | |
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Date | None |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ["(ERizakiMay2012) source: Loukia Droulia, Philhellénisme, Ouvrages inspirés par la Guerre de l'Indépendance Grecque 1821-1833, Répertoire Bibliographique, Athènes 1974, p. 169. - translator: Lee, George."] |
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Via received works
Epistoli Ellinidon tinon pros tas Filellinidas / Ἐπιστολὴ Ἑλληνίδων τινῶν πρὸς τὰς Φιλελληνίδας (A Greek women’s open letter addressed to philhellen women) | Evanthia Nikolaou Kaïri |