Itä-Suomen Sanomat no 87 Itä-Suomen Sanomat (newspaper) ARTICLE Finland

Title Itä-Suomen Sanomat no 87 Itä-Suomen Sanomat (newspaper)
Is same as work Itä-Suomen Sanomat no 87
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1897
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Itä-Suomen Sanomat 5.11.1897 says: "Works of Minna Canth in France. Journal des Débats tells that M:me Marya Chéliga, founder and director of the Théâtre-Féministe, has taken \'Sylvi\' the play by famous Finnish writer Minna Canth, to the repertoire of the theatre." The journalist is — U. S:o. JWmay16']

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In this reception
comments on person Minna Canth
mentions person Marya Chéliga- Loevy
Via received works

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