Djevojački sviet "The World of Girls" ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Djevojački sviet "The World of Girls"
Is same as work Djevojački sviet
Author Josip Tominšek
Place Slovenia
Date 1903
Notes ['The literary historian and linguist Josip Tominšek (1872–1954) informed about the publication of Djevojački sviet: izabrane pripoviesti čeških spisateljica (Girl’s World: Selected Stories of Czech Women Writers, 1902) in Croatian translation in Matica Hrvatska (Croatian Literary Society). In the book stories of the following Czech women writers were found: Eliška Krásnohorská, Božena Kunětická, Vlasta Pittnerová (1858–1926), Sofie Podlipská, Gabriela Preissová, and the sisters Bogoslava and Vilma Sokolová (1859–1941). Tominšek added that the stories were smoothly readable and thus he recommended them to every Slovenian reader. \nHERA_TestTB2015']

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In this reception
mentions person Sofie Podlipská
mentions person Božena Němcová
mentions person Karolina Světlá
mentions person Irma Geisslová
mentions person Růžena Jesenská
mentions person Eliška Krásnohorská
mentions person Božena Viková-Kunětická
mentions person Teréza Nováková
mentions person Gabriela Preissová
mentions person Bohuslava Sokolova
mentions person Vilma Sokolová
mentions person Růžena Svobodová
mentions person Vlasta Pittnerova
Via received works

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