Lycka till! Good luck! WORK

Title Lycka till! Good luck!
Is same as work Lycka till!
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1873
Notes ['Published in the magazine Helsingfors Dagblad 25.1., 26.1., 27.1., 28.1., 29.1., 30.1., 31.1., 1.2., 5.2., 6.2., 7.2., 8.2., 12.2., 13.2., 14.2., 15.2., 19.2., 20.2., 21.2., 22.2., 2.3., 3.3., 4.3., 5.3., 6.3., 7.3., 8.3., 11.3., 12.3., 13.3., 17.3., 18.3., 19.3., 21.3., 23.3., 24.3.,26.3., 27.3., 2.4., 3.4., 4.4., 5.4., 8.4., 9.4., 10.4., 17.4., 18.4., 19.4., 24.4.. 25.4., 26.4., 30.4., 1.5., 2.5., 7.5., 8.5., 9.5., 14.5., 15.5., 16.5., 21.5., 22.5., 23.5., 29.5., 30.5., 31.5., 5.6., 6.6., 7.6., 8.6., 11.6., 12.6., 18.6. and 19.6. JWdec16']
is translation of Glück auf!
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Glück auf! Bürstenbinder, Elisabeth