Encheiridion Odigitikon [...] (A handbook of Counsels [...]) WORK

Title Encheiridion Odigitikon [...] (A handbook of Counsels [...])
Is same as work Encheiridion Odigitikon [...] (A handbook of Counsels [...])
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Author Sappho Leontias
Date 1869
Notes ["The original work of Necker comprises 3 volumes. The book translated into Greek by S. Leontias constitutes the translation of only the vol. I, book 3. Also according to translator's Prefase, she has not done an accurate translation. Though, she tried to keep in line with Necker's ideas throughout the whole book, has changed the order of the ideas expressed in th orginal text, wrote in a more analytic way some of the parts of the book, and added things out of her personal observations, considering them useful for the Greek readers (KD apr12)"]
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Éducation progressive; ou, Étude du cours de la vie Necker de Saussure, Albertine