Prešernova "Nezakonska mati" Prešeren's "The Unmarried Mother" ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Prešernova "Nezakonska mati" Prešeren's "The Unmarried Mother"
Is same as work Prešernova "Nezakonska mati"
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Author Omerza, Franc
Place Slovenia
Date 1916
Notes ['the Slovenian philologist Franc Omerza wrote an article about the influence of Greek poets on the metrics of the Slovenian poet France Prešeren (1800–1849), in particular on his poem Nezakonska mati (The Unmarried Mother, 1843). In Omerza’s opinion, Prešeren found inspiration in the metrics of the ancient Greek poetry. The metrics in Corinna’s poetry was, among others, compared to Prešeren’s metrics in the aforementioned poem and Omerza drew several parallels between them. Moreover, he states that several Prešeren’s poems, such as Zdravilo ljubezni (Love Remedy), Ženska zvestoba (Female Fidelity, 1839), Pevcu (To a Poet, 1838) etc., follow the example of the metrics of Nezakonska mati which probably shows a more general Greek influence. HERA_TestTB2015']

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