*Title to be added ARTICLE Serbia

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Author J. Savić
Place Serbia
Date 1913
Notes ['standardizingsept12[BD]\r\n\r\n\r\nGender: \r\n-\tToo masculine\r\n\r\nThe article (untitled) is written by a male author, J. Savić (from Zagreb), about Serbian women writers in general: "[...] Ako ima žena koje pišu, pa slučajno izgledaju \'ko lude\', ili su pogrešno shvatile svoju samostalnost, boemski se drže kao muškobanje \'à la Sapho\' - to moramo reći, da bi one takve bile i da ne pišu [...]" ("If there are women who write, and therefore happen to look like \'lunatics\', or as if they may have somehow misunderstood their independence, and thus behave like true bohemian men, \'à la Sapho\' - we need to say this, they would be exactly the same even if they did not write at all [...]" (p. 48)\r\nSNMay12']

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