Morality of the English Novel and Romance Illustrated by Selections of Sentiment, Character, and Description ARTICLE

Title Morality of the English Novel and Romance Illustrated by Selections of Sentiment, Character, and Description
Is same as work Morality of the English Novel and Romance Illustrated by Selections of Sentiment, Character, and Description
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Author Mr. Pratt
Date 1813
Notes ['Author: Mr. Pratt\nNo. XV.\nIn: The Literary Panorama (vol.12). London: Cox and Baylis, 1813.\npp. 257-260\n\nOpie\'s Father and Daughter is quoted as an example of \'Contrast between the Generous and the Envious minded Parent\': "After staying a few days with the new married couple [up to] , she will one day appeal from them, to a merciful and long suffering judge."']
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The father and daughter Opie, Amelia