Los muertos mandan The dead decide ARTICLE Spain

Title Los muertos mandan The dead decide
Is same as work Los muertos mandan
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Author [author male, various] [CREATE SEPARATE RECORDS] , Sand, George (pseudonym)
Place Spain
Date 1908
Notes ['cf. Pléiade, Hist. des litt., 683\n\nstandardizingsept12 BR\n\nMale author: Vicente Blasco Ibanéz.\n\n-Judgment/evaluation :\nNone\n\n-Taking the author seriously :\n--Reference to reputation acquired : (He said that she had got an universal reputation writing under a male name):\n\n"se había hecho una reputación\nuniversal por sus novelas, firmándolas con un nombre\nmasculino y el apellido de un asesino político: Jorge Sand"\n\n-Providing anecdotes about her :\n--Life struggles and hardships: mention to her relationship with Chopin. The action of Blasco Ibáñez\'s book is located in Mallorca. Because of that, he speaks about the time that Sand and Chopin spent in the illand and he mentions the way in which the people from Mallorca despised Sand.\nReferences to her love life and to the way in which she suffered everytime she tried to find love in different ways, being a whimsical woman or an selfless housewife.\n\n"¡Pobre Jorge Sand! El amor había sido para ella lo que la\nantigua esfinge: cada vez que intentaba interrogarlo sentía\nen el corazón su zarpazo sin misericordia. Todas las\nabnegaciones y rebeldías del amor las había conocido\naquella mujer. La hembra caprichosa de las noches\nvenecianas, la infiel compañera de Musset, era la misma\nenfermera que guisaba la cena y preparaba las tisanas al\nmoribundo Chopin en la soledad..."\n\n\n-Financial aspects, referring to :\nNone\n\n-Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\nNone\n\n-Comparisons to/mentions of male authors : \nNone\n\n-Comparisons to other countries: \nNone\n\n-Gender: \nNone\n\n-Refusal of “female” topoi as proposed by the author commented:\nNone']

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