Overzicht der Nederlandsche Letterkunde (1e druk) WORK
Title | Overzicht der Nederlandsche Letterkunde (1e druk) |
Is same as work | Overzicht der Nederlandsche Letterkunde (1e druk) |
Part of work | |
Author | [author male, various] [CREATE SEPARATE RECORDS] , Jan te Winkel , Jan te Winkel |
Reference | |
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Date | 1882 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['te winkel Present in first and 5th ed. (1882, 1905)\n\nBiography\n married with (8) naval officer Allart Krombalch\n friends with (=) Hooft\n\nReception\n person (+) positive\n work (/)\n\nKH 10may'] |
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In this reception
comments on person | Tesselschade Roemersdr. Visscher, Maria |
Via received works
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