Mary Wollstonecraft ARTICLE Norway

Title Mary Wollstonecraft
Is same as work Mary Wollstonecraft
Author Signe Greve Dahl
Place Norway
Date 1939
Notes ['EF14\r\n\r\nDear Elise,\r\n\r\nis "Urd" the title of the periodical? can you give full references?\r\nnote that this reception is quite late (after our "HERA TTT" time windows), but this is perhaps in relation to your own research.\r\nall best\r\nsuzan\r\n\r\nJust to explain: I told her to include it. For authors I\'m particularly interested in, I sometimes find it practical to record some items in the early years after 1930, even if they\'ll not be included in TTT. MNS14']

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comments on person Wollstonecraft, Mary
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