Jorge Sand, Sección de Literatura. Liceo Valenciano, serie 1, n16 ARTICLE Spain

Title Jorge Sand, Sección de Literatura. Liceo Valenciano, serie 1, n16
Is same as work Jorge Sand, Sección de Literatura. Liceo Valenciano, serie 1, n16
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Spain
Date 1841
Notes ['Info MBurguera Febr11\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12 BR\r\n\r\n\r\n-Judgment/evaluation :\r\n\r\n--Postive about work: good descriptions and style.\r\n--Negative about the work (in a moral level): "in her works there are passions and mistakes" ("Hállanse en ellas, es cierto, pasiones y faltas")...\r\n..."BUT"....\r\n"pero en cambio también pasiones y remordimientos y pocas veces el vicio" ("but inchange they have also passions and remorses and just some times vice").\r\n\r\n\r\n-Taking the author seriously :\r\n--Mention of success: "y de ese medio nombre ha sabido hacer uno que brilla hoy día entre los más grandes y gloriosos"-\r\n\r\n-Providing anecdotes about her :\r\n--Beauty: "joven y bella lugareña"\r\n--Childhood\r\n--Marriage: She got married not being in love. The article gives a description of her husband.\r\n--Talent for activities other than writing: reading in the Nature, riding horses etc.\r\n--Life struggles and hardships: Going to the convent, coming back etc.\r\n--Education: "La educación que recibió Maria Aurora fue conforme a los consejos de Rousseau, convirtiéndose en consecuencia la joven la joven en un verdadero Emilio". After that, keeps on explaining how the education of George Sand kept on going: She went to Paris etc.\r\n\r\n\r\n-Financial aspects, referring to :\r\n--None\r\n\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\r\nNone\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to/mentions of male authors : \r\n--In positive sense (for this author): Byron took the inspiration to his worl "el Corsario" from "L\'Uscoque".\r\n\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to other countries: \r\n--None\r\n\r\n-Gender: \r\n--None\r\n\r\n-Refusal of “female” topoi as proposed by the author commented:\r\n--None\r\n\r\nDifferent works by Sand are mentioned (Valentina, Rosa, Indiana, Alejandro etc.) Quotation of "Cartas de un viajero". Comment about "Rosa y Blanca", "Lelia", "L\'Uscoque", "Spiridion"']

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comments on person Sand, George (pseudonym)
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