Moral tales. Translated from the French of Mde. Le Prince de Beaumont WORK

Title Moral tales. Translated from the French of Mde. Le Prince de Beaumont
Is same as work Moral tales. Translated from the French of Mde. Le Prince de Beaumont
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1775
Notes ['other source: Grieder\r\n\r\nconcerning paratext:\r\n{Name of woman on title page}\r\n{Name of translator NOT on title page}\r\n\r\nIncipit:\r\n1\r\nThe Judge of her own failing.\r\n"At the age of sixteen Olimpia married an old gentleman, who had been her guardian; and who, loving her with the affection of a parent, contrived the match to afford him a pretence for leaving her his whole estate, which was very considerable...."\r\nsvdjun10chawton']
is translation of Contes moraux
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Contes moraux Leprince de Beaumont, Marie