Feuilleton ARTICLE

Title Feuilleton
Is same as work Feuilleton
Part of work
Author [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made]
Date 1870
Notes ['The author thinks that Christen’s poems would pass unnoticed and that her publisher would be without income if she simply wrote sentimental poetry, but “a shrill and tearful cry came from the swollen, red women’s lips as has never before and it touched the tired, surfeited nerves.”\n\nsvd: who is the author ?? two records for the same reception, it seems, 1 to be deleted. 25-1-17\n\nsvdcommmay19: is Feuilleton the complete title? Laibacher Zeitung to be entered as a source?']
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Lieder einer Verlorenen Christen, Ada (pseudonym)