*Mention in The Literary Reader WORK Netherlands

Title *Mention in The Literary Reader
Is same as work *Mention in The Literary Reader
Part of work
Author Taco Hajo de Beer
Place Netherlands
Date 1882
Notes ['Taco de Beer and Elisabeth Jane Irving, The Literary reader. A Handbook for the Higher Classes in Schools and for Home Teaching. Part II: The Nineteenth Century. Kuilenburg: Blom and Olivierse, 1882 (2nd ed.; 1st ed. : 1874).\n\np. 179:\n[...] in her old age she was a powerful influence for good, esteemed by the whole literary world, and reverenced by thousands to whom she had been a benefactress. Her writings can scarcely be regarded as works of art, but they evince great command of language, a keen wit, and a lively fancy. [...]\n(Info T. van Kalmthout, nov. 2007)']

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