Knjižnica za mladino Library For the Youth ARTICLE Slovenia
Title | Knjižnica za mladino Library For the Youth |
Is same as work | Knjižnica za mladino |
Part of work | |
Author | Bežek, Viktor |
Reference | |
Place | Slovenia |
Date | 1895 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ["Notice on publication in Slovenian translation of two Krasnohorska's tales: Dědečkův hněv (Grandfather’s Anger, Dedov srd, 1875) and Sedmikrásy a kopřiva (Daisy and Nettle, Marjetica in kopriva, 1875) from the collection Jirinky and in the same book other Czech tales by Bohumila Klimšová (1851–1917) were included: Tři růže (Three Flowers, Tri rože, 1889), Ctiboj kralevic (Prince Ctiboj, Kraljevič Častiboj, 1889), Dědicové (Heirs, Dediči, 1889), and Mlynář a vítr (The Miller and the Wind, Mlinar in veter, 1889) from the collection Z raje.\nHERA_TestTB2015"] |
No works found
In this reception
None | Klimšová, Bohumila |
None | Krásnohorská, Eliška |
Via received works
No persons found