Knjižnica za mladino Library For the Youth ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Knjižnica za mladino Library For the Youth
Is same as work Knjižnica za mladino
Part of work
Author Bežek, Viktor
Place Slovenia
Date 1895
Notes ["Notice on publication in Slovenian translation of two Krasnohorska's tales: Dědečkův hněv (Grandfather’s Anger, Dedov srd, 1875) and Sedmikrásy a kopřiva (Daisy and Nettle, Marjetica in kopriva, 1875) from the collection Jirinky and in the same book other Czech tales by Bohumila Klimšová (1851–1917) were included: Tři růže (Three Flowers, Tri rože, 1889), Ctiboj kralevic (Prince Ctiboj, Kraljevič Častiboj, 1889), Dědicové (Heirs, Dediči, 1889), and Mlynář a vítr (The Miller and the Wind, Mlinar in veter, 1889) from the collection Z raje.\nHERA_TestTB2015"]

No works found

In this reception
None Klimšová, Bohumila
None Krásnohorská, Eliška
Via received works

No persons found