*Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) CATALOGUE
Title | *Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) |
Is same as work | *Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) |
Part of work | |
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Date | 1856 |
Quotation | |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['German translation - Spiridion. Bekentnisse eines Mönchs.\r\nTBjul11\r\n\r\nDear Tanha, which of the German translations? there are several of them. svdjul11'] |
lists work | Spiridion |