Aqui començan o liuro chamado Espelho de Cristina o qual falla de tres estados de molheres [The Mirror of Christine / Le livres des trois vertus] WORK

Title Aqui començan o liuro chamado Espelho de Cristina o qual falla de tres estados de molheres [The Mirror of Christine / Le livres des trois vertus]
Is same as work Aqui començan o liuro chamado Espelho de Cristina o qual falla de tres estados de molheres [The Mirror of Christine / Le livres des trois vertus]
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1518
Notes ['MLC may12\r\n\r\nThe print was ordered by the Queen Leonor.\r\nsept12pu\r\n\r\nNB different translation from the one d.d. 1401. svddec12']
is translation of Le Livre des trois vertus
In this reception

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Via received works
Le Livre des trois vertus Christine de Pizan