Fitz-Henri, ou la maison des fous Fitz-Henri, or the house of fools THEATERSCRIPT

Title Fitz-Henri, ou la maison des fous Fitz-Henri, or the house of fools
Is same as work Fitz-Henri, ou la maison des fous
Part of work
Author René Perin
Date 1803
Notes ['...drame en trois actes, mêlé de chant, de danse et de pantomime.\n\nText: René Perin\nMusic: Taix\n\nParis: Barba\n\nYear to be checked. Title page:\nReprésenté, pour la première fois, sur le Théâtre des Jeunes Élèves de la rue de Thionville, le 20 Vendémiaire an 12, et remis au Théâtre de la Gaîté, le 25 Fructidor an 12.\n\n(Which would be: Octobre 1803 and September 1804? jdgaug16)\n\nCharacters:\n- Fitz-Henri\n- Le lord Seymour\n- James, valet de Seymour\n- Williams, fermier du lord Seymour\n- Cécile, fille de Fitz-Henri\n- Caroline, fille du lord Seymour\n- Betzi, femme de Williams\n- Thomi, fils de Cécile [who has a talking role]\n\n[seducer Artur is not represented by an actor; the act of seduction (and the birth of Thomi) is not included in the play]\n\nEnding (different from Opie): Fitz-Henri recovers his senses, and after lord Artur writes to ask for forgiveness and Cécile\'s hand in marriage, their son Thomi asks for his father to be pardoned.\n\n--\nSeems to be the inspiration for the Italian adaptation (Paër\'s L\'Agnèse). (As for instance suggested by M. A. Delaforest (in Théâtre Moderne. Cours de Littérature Dramatique. Paris: Allardin, 1836. p.163): "C\'est ainsi que l\'Agnèse, de M. Paër, est sortie du mélodrame de Fitz-Henry, joué sur le même théâtre (=Th. de la Gaîté)")']
is adaptation of The father and daughter
In this reception

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Via received works
The father and daughter Opie, Amelia