Varastokirjasto - The National Repository Library The National Repository Library CATALOGUE

Title Varastokirjasto - The National Repository Library The National Repository Library
Is same as work Varastokirjasto - The National Repository Library
Author Unknown author (to be identified)
Date 1890
Notes ['The National Repository Library (NRL) is a resource shared by all Finnish libraries and information service centres. The NRL is the most economic way of storing library material. Because of the NRL, the need for extra shelf space in libraries throughout the country is decreased and can be controlled.\nThe basic function of the NRL is to receive, store and offer material for the use of other libraries. The NRL serves university and special libraries as well as public libraries, and acts as a connecting link in the library network)\n']
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Hänen toinen vaimonsa Toini Kalima
Kreivitär Gisela Toini Kalima
Harhaannuksissa Helena Kesäniemi
Das Geheimnis der alten Mamsell (The old Mamsell´s secret) Eugenie Marlitt
Reichsgräfin Gisela Eugenie Marlitt
Das Heideprinzesschen (The princess from the moors) Eugenie Marlitt
Skuggan av et brott Unknown translator (to be identified)
Samlade berättelser Unknown translator (to be identified)
Prinsessan på heden Unknown translator (to be identified)
Ihmissydämen arvoitus Siiri Elina Teirilä
Riksgrefvinnan Gisela Unknown translator (to be identified)
Kauppaneuvoksen talossa Unknown translator (to be identified)
Kauppaneuvoksen talossa Hemminki (Hemming) Karjalainen
Klosterskatten Carl Edvin Thall
Damen med rubinerna Ernst Lundquist
Schillingshof: roman Unknown translator (to be identified)
Uggleboet Unknown translator (to be identified)
Die zweite Frau (The second wife) Eugenie Marlitt
I kommerserådets hus Unknown translator (to be identified)
Mainaus andra hustru Herman Hörner
Hans andra hustru Unknown translator (to be identified)
Amtmannin Maria Juho Heikki Tallqvist
La Petite princesse des bruyères Emmeline Raymond
Amtmannens tjänarinna Kirgeor Garne
Tant Cordulas hemlighet: Del 2. Unknown translator (to be identified)
Le secret de la vieille demoiselle Emmeline Raymond
Amtmannens piga:roman Unknown translator (to be identified)