*Mention in Literary Reader WORK

Title *Mention in Literary Reader
Is same as work *Mention in Literary Reader
Author Taco Hajo de Beer
Date 1882
Notes ["Taco de Beer and Elisabeth Jane Irving, The Literary reader. A Handbook for the Higher Classes in Schools and for Home Teaching. Part II: The Nineteenth Century. Kuilenburg: Blom and Olivierse, 1882 (2nd ed.; 1st ed. : 1874).\n\np. 2: '[...] of great service in introducing a healthier tone into literature, and the Novel, appealing to a wider public than the poets, began to leaven society from the palace to the cottage.' \n\np. 66: '[...] Miss Edgeworth's Moral Tales: with a number of works of a coarser description, now happily forgotten.'\n[Info T. van Kalmthout. AvB, february 2008]"]
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Via received works
Moral tales for young people Maria Edgeworth