Helsingfors Dagblad Jullläsning för barn... Christmas readings for children... ARTICLE

Title Helsingfors Dagblad Jullläsning för barn... Christmas readings for children...
Is same as work Helsingfors Dagblad Jullläsning för barn...
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1875
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Helsingfors Dagblad says:" This is a good book, but shouldn\'t belong to \'readings for young people\', tho which it is counted. The heroine is a young woman that hates the idea of being dependent on something, and leaves the house of her relatives, where she lives at the beginning of the story, and kneads and so peacefully actually seems to work for herself, and goes to the world. Then we meet her as an actress, a companion (?), a sewer etc, and become part of her and others bitter experiences of people and world. Many very exciting scenes contribute even more, that book isn\'t suitable for that what we understand as \'young people\', that will say, time before the full understanding and growth. The book could, however, suit fine for those who don\'t go to school and are \'out there in the world\'. JWfeb16']
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En ädel kvinna Unknown translator (to be identified)