Litteratur och konst Literature and art PUBLICITY

Title Litteratur och konst Literature and art
Is same as work Litteratur och konst
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1890
Notes ['An advertisement 16.12.1890 in the newspaper Nya pressen, Finland, Åbo underrättelser, Hufvudstadsbladet, 17.12.1890 Borgåbladet, Finlands allmänna tidning, 19.12.1890 Östra Finland ("translated by J. Romander, 307 pp"), 20.12.1890 Wiborgsbladet, 22.12.1890 Nya pressen ("price 2,25, quite a ? description of three young sisters who have become mother- and fatherless and take care of themselves. The book won\'t probably interest much those readers to whom it is ment"), 23.12.1890 Tammerfors Aftonblad ("suitable as a christmas present for young girls"), 23.12.1890 Björneborgs tidning, 24.12.1890 Vasabladet, Wasa tidning. JWmar16']
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Lilys féslott. Berättelse för unga flickor Unknown translator (to be identified)