Молчание (Степь) : рассказ для детей старшего возраста / Molchanie (Step) : rasskaz dlia detei starshego vozrasta Silence (Steppe): story for older children WORK

Title Молчание (Степь) : рассказ для детей старшего возраста / Molchanie (Step) : rasskaz dlia detei starshego vozrasta Silence (Steppe): story for older children
Is same as work Молчание (Степь) : рассказ для детей старшего возраста / Molchanie (Step) : rasskaz dlia detei starshego vozrasta
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1929
Notes ['Moscow : Izd. G.F. Mirimanova, 1929.\nIn ms., on cover: Anne T. Eaton.\nIllustrations are chromolithographed.\nAn abridged translation of: El brug.\n\nUĭd ; risunki A. Plastova. (Translator seems to be female. Needs to be checked)\n\n19 pages.\nOriginal is 49 pages, so this is rather an adaptation than a direct translation. jdgmar16']
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Via received works
La Strega and other stories [inc. El Brug ; Ruffo and Ruff ; Toto ; A Basket of Plums] Maria Louise de La Ramée