Novejši pisatelji ruski. Ivan Sergejevič Turgenev The New Russian Writers. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Novejši pisatelji ruski. Ivan Sergejevič Turgenev The New Russian Writers. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Is same as work Novejši pisatelji ruski. Ivan Sergejevič Turgenev
Part of work
Author Štrekelj, Karel
Place Slovenia
Date 1884
Notes ['The article is about nihilism in the women literature and it compares the Russian nihilist Evdoksija Nikitišna Kukšin (who smokes cigars) with George Sand: in Evdoksija\'s opinion George Sand is "backward in time".\r\ntbaug11']

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None Sand, George (pseudonym)
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