Kirjallisutta ARTICLE

Title Kirjallisutta
Is same as work Kirjallisutta
Part of work
Author Leino, Eino
Date 1904
Notes ['Judgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about author \r\n- none\r\n-\tPositive about work\r\no\tconcerning a small part of the book, also fantasy and style are fine\r\n-\tNegative about author\r\n- see below\r\n\r\n\tNegative about work\r\no\tcompared to earlier works these stories "tuntuvat kalpeilta ja värittömiltä" (seem like pale and colourless), "esitystavan tuoreus ja tunnelman syvyys [....]ovat kovinkin suuressa määrin laimistuneet" (the freshness of the presentation and the deepness of the atmosphere are in a large measure diluted], "on muuttunut maneeriksi ja kaavamaisuudeksi" Selma Lagerlöf\'s romanticism has changeg to mannerism and formality) Also too churchy and sunday school -like.\r\n-\tBUT: was a great writer once\r\n\r\nTaking the author seriously (or not):\r\n-\tReference to [good/bad] reputation already acquired \r\n-\tMention of success\r\n\r\nRecurrent elements of image building (gendered clichés, anecdotes) :\r\n\r\n- none\r\n\r\nFinancial aspects, referring to :\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors : [provide names, with perhaps short comment]\r\n- none\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors : [provide names, with perhaps short comment]\r\n\r\n- none\r\n\r\nComparisons to other countries : [provide names of countries, with perhaps short comment]\r\n- none\r\n\r\nGender-[biased comments : ]\r\n-\tCorresponds (or not) to female norms: (too) religious\r\n-\tLinking gender to genre: same\r\n\r\nConsidering the author’s use of (a minor) language as:\r\n- none\r\n\r\nThis review is probably written by the famous Finnish poet Eino Leino (pseudonym is E.L). This is a very negative review - Leino does not find much positive in this book and regards Lagerlöf as a writer from the past.\r\n\r\nJW2013']
comments on work Kristuslegender
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Kristuslegender Lagerlöf, Selma