Kirjallisuutta Literature ARTICLE

Title Kirjallisuutta Literature
Is same as work Kirjallisuutta
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1892
Notes ["The article in the newspaper Savo-Karbala 28.12.1892 says: \n- one of the most remarkable books that came out for this christmas\n- the plot is easy to understand \n(- description of the plot....)\n-the story is full of childish charm and the gracefulness of innocence \n- the little lord's separation from his childhood friend has been described very nicely\n- it would be easy to list many faults in the book: \n*the hero has no vice, either has his mother\n* the writer won't let the events talk for themselves but takes the place of the chairman and starts talking\n- there are also some smaller faults: the light of candle is said to be seen from a window to another, but the distance between those two is half Finnish miles, and in another part there says, that there was so much common people gathered, that the park, that took 3 english miles to drive, was full of people - these small thing don't matter much compared to the big advantages that the book has \n- the translation is smooth, although sometimes it can be seen that it is made by a beginner\n- when published a couple of years ago 'Pikku Lordi' got a huge success in England\n- there was more than ten editions taken in first year\n- newspapers both in England and America thanked the book\n- on of the papers says: 'it is the most perfect example of how to write a children's book', for someone, who has redd some story by Topelius, won't give such praise, but every child, that got this book as christmas present, is a happy one\n- 2,25 is a cheap price for a book binded in good covers \nJWmar16"]
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Pikku lordi Krohn, Helmi