Royal Favour WORK

Title Royal Favour
Is same as work Royal Favour
Part of work
Author Elisabeth Jane Irving
Date 1885
Notes ['title page: by A.S.C. Wallis, author of "In troubled times" , etc. etc.\n\ncontains preface.\np.V\nIn issuing this translation of Miss Wallis\'s second important novel, "Vorstengunst", I feel assured that I am meeting the wishes of a large portion of the English reading public. The cordial receoption accorded to "In troubled times", notwithstanding its unusual length and occasional diffuseness, encourages me to believe that this riper fruit of the young Dutch novelist\'s genius will receive a still greater welcome. \nDuring the five years that elapsed between the publication of the two novels, Miss Wallis unquestionably achieved much greater mastery of her art. "Royal Favour" is considerably shorter than its predecessor; the style is terser ans more energetic - at once more artistic and more colloquial; the work is almost entirely free from irrelevant matter, although the Author continues to employ the psychological method in preference to the pictorial: the characters grow and develop naturally under the manifold influences to which they are subjected.\n[...] \nVIII\n[.. about the male and the female characters... the female displaying] powers from which we may fairly hope to obtain precious additions to that picture-gallery of noble women, wherein Helen van Vredenburg and Sister Clara [from "Royal Favour"] already hang side by side, (albeit without claiming equality) with Dorothea Brooke and Romola.\nE.J. Irving\n\n(nov 2004, svd)']
is translation of Vorstengunst
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Vorstengunst Opzoomer, Adèle Sophia Cornelia