Thaddeo de Varsovia. Novella Historica, escripta por Miss Porter. Traduzida em portuguez por huma senhora WORK

Title Thaddeo de Varsovia. Novella Historica, escripta por Miss Porter. Traduzida em portuguez por huma senhora
Is same as work Thaddeo de Varsovia. Novella Historica, escripta por Miss Porter. Traduzida em portuguez por huma senhora
Part of work
Author UNKNOWN translator female
Date 1828
Notes ['Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, following Montague Summers mentions the french version by Mons. et Mme. Terrason de Sennevas: Le Polonias, 2.nd ed. , Paris, 1809.\r\nIsabel Lousada mentions a new edition published by Imprensa Nacional, Lisbon, 1834.']
is translation of Thaddeus of Warsaw
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Via received works
Thaddeus of Warsaw Jane Porter