Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people ARTICLE

Title Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people
Is same as work Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1886
Notes ['The text in Helsingfors Dagblad says about "Innan småttingarne somna" that it could be a good and fun children\'s book if there weren\'t expressions that are not suitable for a child\'s production of ideas. There is said about a little girl, that \'she was a imaginative creature full of strange ideas and caprice that those near to her wanted to make real without thinking about the trouble, time or money\' or when the people in candy land are described there is said that the old, unmarried women contain citron, absinthe and and all kinds of sour and bitter essences\'. Such things are enough to spoil a good book it the children aren\'t told about the skew and wrong that is there." JWfeb16']
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Innan småttingarne somna Unknown translator (to be identified)