Fru Gyllembourg og hendes Værker i Forhold til vor Tid Mrs G and her works in relation to our times WORK Denmark
Title | Fru Gyllembourg og hendes Værker i Forhold til vor Tid Mrs G and her works in relation to our times |
Is same as work | Fru Gyllembourg og hendes Værker i Forhold til vor Tid |
Part of work | |
Author | Kall, Benedicte Arnesen |
Reference | |
Place | Denmark |
Date | 1875 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['Also found in Norwegian reading societies.\nMNS20'] |
No works found
In this reception
is biography of | Thomasine Christine Gyllembourg, - Ehrensvärd |
Via received works
No persons found