Hufvudstadsbladet no 299 Barn o. ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young people ARTICLE

Title Hufvudstadsbladet no 299 Barn o. ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young people
Is same as work Hufvudstadsbladet no 299 Barn o. ungdomsliteratur
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1892
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet 23.12.1892 says:" If one believes to have a new acquaintance when starting to read this book, he/she will soon notice that isn\'t the case. This is the same book as "Lille hertigen". Translation is free and the book is among the best historical books for young people. It describes King Rolf\'s grandsons\' the little dukess of Normands\' growing up. It is a finely written nobel book about a boy who tried to cultivate himself to self control, truth and courage, as a born sovereign he tries never to forget other people\'s human dignity. It\'s a book about dangers, captivity and war but doesn\'t surround the war with a false shimmer or puts war honour to something else, as a real conviction or a real rest of a ? duty. It isnt\'t valuable only as a story but also as a picture of times. One gets of it a clear view to feodal beings with it\'s lights and shadows, and it will surely make many readers happy to read about the astonishment of the normands when they found glass windows in french castles. They couldn\'t sleep with the glasses on, so they took the glasses with them to trips. We recommend this for children between 12-15 years old --- Miss Yonge has such a well known name that she should become known as a writer for Swedish speaking young people."JWfeb16']
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Richard, historisk berättelse för ungdom Unknown translator (to be identified)