Literatur Literature PUBLICITY
Title | Literatur Literature |
Is same as work | Literatur |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown journalist (to be identified) |
Reference | |
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Date | 1896 |
Quotation | |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['An advertisement in the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet 20.9.1896, 23.9.1896, (according the contemporary notes by Burnett,"the original was uttered by the newspapers in England, and this was the biggest literary event of the season"), 31.12.1897, Wiborgsbladet 29.9.1896, 30.9.1899, Borgåbladet 10.10.1896. JWmar16'] |
lists work | Clorinda eller en förnäm dams lefnadsöden |
In this reception
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Via received works
Clorinda eller en förnäm dams lefnadsöden | Hamilton Geete, Anna Charlotta |