*Mention in art. sur Cervantes ARTICLE Netherlands
Title | *Mention in art. sur Cervantes |
Is same as work | *Mention in art. sur Cervantes |
Part of work | |
Author | H.L.F. Pisuisse |
Reference | |
Place | Netherlands |
Date | 1885 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ["mention of something she wrote to Flaubert:\n\n[p.316]\n'Ook George Sand heeft aan G. Flaubert dezen kameraadschappelijken\ntroost gegeven: Nous sommes des Bon Qui\n[p.317]\nchotte, mon vieux troubadour; il faut nous rêsigner a être bernés\npar des aubergistes.'' \n\n(credits: De Digitale Gids, www.arik.nl)"] |
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