*Mention in Art. in De Gids ARTICLE Netherlands
Title | *Mention in Art. in De Gids |
Is same as work | *Mention in Art. in De Gids |
Part of work | |
Author | Pierson, Allard |
Reference | |
Place | Netherlands |
Date | 1876 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['In art. on Macaulay. Mention in a note.\n\n[p.328]\nHij had het\nvoorrecht van een strengen vader te bezitten, een omstandigheid,\n[…]\n\nLORD MACAULAY. 329\ndie in een begaafd kind, van den aanvang, dat zelfgevoel 1) doet\ngeboren worden en onderhoudt, dat weinig bereikt acht zoolang\nhet hoogste niet werd bereikt, boven verwaandheid verheft, en tegen\nhet gevolg der verwaandheid, verslapping, bewaart.\n\n1) Vroeg verwant met zelfvertrouwen: "Mrs. Hannah More was fond of\nrelating how she called at Mr. Macaulay\'s, and was met by a fair, pretty,\nslight cbild, with abundance of light hair, about four years of age, who came\nto the front door to receive her, and teil her that his parents were out, but\nthat if she would be good enough to come in he would bring her a glass of\nold spirits"... "Mrs. Macaulay explained to Tom that hemustlearn to study\nwithout the solace of bread and butter, to which he replied: "yes, mama,\nindnstry shall be my bread and attention my butter."\n\n(credits:De Digitale Gids, www.arik.nl (non-OCRed scans of original pages))'] |
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