Kata tis cheiraphetiseos. Anoikti epistoli. Pros tin axiotimon dieythyntrian tis "Bosporidos" ARTICLE

Title Kata tis cheiraphetiseos. Anoikti epistoli. Pros tin axiotimon dieythyntrian tis "Bosporidos"
Is same as work Kata tis cheiraphetiseos. Anoikti epistoli. Pros tin axiotimon dieythyntrian tis "Bosporidos"
Part of work
Author ~~journalist (name below)
Date 1902
Notes ["Published in series (3). \r\nThe name of journalist is Leonidas M. Vasiliadis. \r\nPriv. collection T. Tavaniotis\r\nThe letter conserns both, the open letter of V. Evaggelidou and the editor's (K. Preveziotou) letters\r\n\r\nDear Xrysoyla, I added a journalist (do not leave this field empty, please). needs possibly to be changed?\r\nwhat I do not understand is that you made three records (nrs. 22325, 22326, 22327), completely identical. why?\r\nsvdapr11"]
In this reception

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Via received works
Anoiktι epistolι. Kyria Dieythyntria tis "Bosporidos" (An open letter to the editor of "Bosporis") Evaggelidou, Virginia