Raspuskaiushchaiasia Roza ili Raznye sochineniia v proze i stikhakh The Unfolding Rose or Various Works in Poetry and Prose WORK Russia

Title Raspuskaiushchaiasia Roza ili Raznye sochineniia v proze i stikhakh The Unfolding Rose or Various Works in Poetry and Prose
Is same as work Raspuskaiushchaiasia Roza ili Raznye sochineniia v proze i stikhakh
Part of work
Author Murzina, Aleksandra Petrovna
Place Russia
Date 1799
Notes ['in Ewington 2014:\nPreface\nTo my readers\n> the feminist tone, and reference to Catherina']

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In this reception
is dedicated to Catherine II (Empress of Russia)
Via received works

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