La cuestión Palpitante [means something like: "The question that is discussed at the moment"] ARTICLE Spain
Title | La cuestión Palpitante [means something like: "The question that is discussed at the moment"] |
Is same as work | La cuestión Palpitante [means something like: "The question that is discussed at the moment"] |
Part of work | |
Author | Emilia Pardo Bazán , Sand, George (pseudonym) |
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Place | Spain |
Date | 1883 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['Jorge Sand as the sculptor [ inventor] of the idealist novel.\r\nbrjun11\r\n\r\nyou mean that Pardo Bazan is discussing Sand\'s influence on Spanish or on her own novel? svdjun11\r\nIt´s not a novel, It´s a book that put together some articles that defend the Naturalism (that is the subject that was discussed), and in that book she also speaks about the reception of Sand.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12 BR\r\n\r\n-Judgment/evaluation :\r\n\r\n--Positive about author: She speaks about Sand\'s fantasy and about her capacity to show the reality full of poetry. \r\n"Su fantasía rica e intensa, evocaba con fuerza superior. Pero si en alguien alcanzó esta facultad aquel grado de pujanza que todo lo poetiza y transforma, y sin reemplazar a la verdad, compensa su falta, fue en Jorge Sand". \r\n"Jorge Sand es el escultor inspirado de la novela idealista." "Jorge Sand is the inspired architect of the idealistic novel" \r\n...."BUT"... She considers Sand´s ideology not solid and extravagant, but, because of that, not dangerous anymore. Even when she thinks that Sand was trying to teach something wrong, she considers that all her lessons are lost in the time, but not her imagination and her style.\r\n\r\n--Positive about the work. Specially about the Georgicas.\r\nShe praises Sand\'s style.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n-Taking the author seriously :\r\n\r\n--Reference to reputation acquired. Pardo Bazán speaks about the negative concept that the previous generation ("nuestros padres") had about George Sand, but she consider that in her times they have pass through that and they are able to judge Sand for her best works (that Pardo Bazán considers to be the ones that are not scandalous).\r\n\r\n--Mention of success.\r\nPardo Bazán speaks about Sand as one of the canonical authors.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n-Providing anecdotes about her :\r\n--Life struggles and hardships: "singulares vicisitudes de Jorge Sand".\r\n\r\n\r\nFinancial aspects, referring to :\r\nNone\r\n\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\r\n\r\n--In positive sense (for this author): Sand is in her time as Mme. Staël was in hers.\r\nShe is also compared to British women writers who lack artist\'s proud, not like Sand who showed it as a man ( "tan varonilmente"). \r\nShe is mentioned together with Avellaneda.\r\n\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to/mentions of male authors : \r\n\r\n--In positive sense (for this author): She is mentioned among the most important and best writer of the Romanticism: Chateaubriand, Lamartine, Gautier,Hugo, Thierry.\r\nShe is also compared to Dumas and Sue. In this case, she is considered much better than them (she is the archotect and they are not more than potters): "Jorge Sand es el escultor inspirado de la novela idealista; Alejandro Dumas, y Sue mismo, a su lado, no pasan de alfareros". She is consider as good as Balzac.\r\nShe is mentioned among the parents of British novel: Thackeray, Scott y Dickens, Sand, Hugo y Balzac.\r\n\r\n-- In negative sense (for this author): She is as inmoral as Hegel, Krause o Spencer, Rousseau, Alejandro Dumas, the son.\r\n\r\n\r\nComparisons to other countries: \r\nNone\r\n\r\n\r\n-Gender: \r\n\r\n--Not enough femininity\r\n\r\n--Too masculine. She speaks about Sand as "ilustre andrógino" ( a mix of man and woman).\r\n\r\n--Problem: loose morals. She speaks about the inmoralitty of Sand, but not just referred to gender considerations.\r\n\r\n-Refusal of “female” topoi as proposed by the author commented:\r\n__None'] |
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