Selma Lagerlöf I Selma Lagerlöf I ARTICLE Finland
Title | Selma Lagerlöf I Selma Lagerlöf I |
Is same as work | Selma Lagerlöf I |
Part of work | |
Author | ~~journalist (name below) |
Reference | |
Place | Finland |
Date | 1903 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ["An article in the magazine Finsk Tidskrift 3/1903, pp 199-207, writer is v. Willebrand. Second part in Finsk Tidskrift no 5(1903), pp. 405-416. An article in the same magazine 6/1909 pp 449-453 with the title 'Selma Lagerlöfs personlighet i hens verk' by Arnold Norling. JWjul16"] |
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