The female orators: or, the courage and constancy of divers famous queens, and illustrious women, set forth in their eloquent orations, and noble resolutions: worthy the perusal and imitation of the female sex. WORK

Title The female orators: or, the courage and constancy of divers famous queens, and illustrious women, set forth in their eloquent orations, and noble resolutions: worthy the perusal and imitation of the female sex.
Is same as work The female orators: or, the courage and constancy of divers famous queens, and illustrious women, set forth in their eloquent orations, and noble resolutions: worthy the perusal and imitation of the female sex.
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1714
Notes ["London : printed, and are sold by T. Tebb at the Flower de Luce in Little Britain; T. Varnam and J. Osborne, in Lombard-street; N. Cliffe and D. Jackson, at the Bible and 3 Crowns in Cheapside; and J. Graves in St. James's Street.\r\n3rd ed. 1728;\r\n1768"]
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Les Femmes illustres, ou les harangues héroïques Scudéry, Madeleine de