The Cavern of Roseville; or, the Two Sisters. A Tale WORK

Title The Cavern of Roseville; or, the Two Sisters. A Tale
Is same as work The Cavern of Roseville; or, the Two Sisters. A Tale
Part of work
Author Jamieson, Alexander
Date 1817
Notes ['\'Translated from the French of Madame Herbster\'\nLondon.\n\nPreface:\n"It is not small pleasure to lend one\'s name, even as a translator, to an amusing book, which may, without danger, be put into the hands of youth. [etc.]\nBut it is not to be expected that, in a tale written purposely for children, there should be either great events, or piquant adventures: --all here is simple and natural, even as childhood; for the authoress has not painted passions, but sentiments [...].\n']
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Via received works
Le Souterrain, ou les Deux Sœurs F. Metaal - Backker , Maria Edgeworth