Barn- och ungdomslitteratur Literature for children and young adults ARTICLE
Title | Barn- och ungdomslitteratur Literature for children and young adults |
Is same as work | Barn- och ungdomslitteratur |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown journalist (to be identified) |
Reference | |
Place | |
Date | 1898 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['The text t in the newspaper Nya pressen 17.12.1898 handles both Coolidge\'s \'Klaröga\' and Meade\'s \'Rika kusin\': "\'Rika kusin\' --- handles a rich girl and her poor cousins. Being good, generous and sacrificing herself, she brings help and joy to especially one of her cousins. Although sad twists are many in the stories, are they still free from sentimentality and can be recommended for the readers they are ment to". Price 2 kronas. JWmar16 '] |
comments on work | Rika kusin. Berättelse för unga flickor |
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Rika kusin. Berättelse för unga flickor | Emma Silfverstolpe |